our beliefs
As part of the American Baptist denomination, New Life is firmly committed to the core of the Christian faith: that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that he died for our sins on the Cross, was buried, and rose again bodily from the dead. Baptists emphasize conversion to Christianity as a conscious, personal decision to place one’s faith in Jesus Christ. Baptists share the Protestant conviction that salvation is by God’s grace alone through faith alone, resulting in good works but in no way dependent on them. (Eph. 2:8-10).
As Baptists, we practice believer’s baptism, though we recognize all baptisms done in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Trinity). New Life practices open membership, accepting into membership those who have previously been baptized. We invite all baptized believers, and all others who consider themselves Christians by virtue of their faith in Jesus, to join us in our celebrations of communion (first Sundays of the month).
We believe that the Christian life is a shared life, lived out in a community of believers. Together, we experience Jesus’ presence and power to change lives as we gather together to worship, to pray, to study the Bible, to share our stories and lives with each other, to share the good news with others, and to meet the needs of our community and world.
We affirm all called to Christian leadership, both clergy and laity. We support both women and men in ordained professional ministry.
We acknowledge that within the Christian family, there are many controversial social issues. Because of New Life's commitment to soul liberty, we agree to disagree and yet remain unified in Christ.
As Baptists, we practice believer’s baptism, though we recognize all baptisms done in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Trinity). New Life practices open membership, accepting into membership those who have previously been baptized. We invite all baptized believers, and all others who consider themselves Christians by virtue of their faith in Jesus, to join us in our celebrations of communion (first Sundays of the month).
We believe that the Christian life is a shared life, lived out in a community of believers. Together, we experience Jesus’ presence and power to change lives as we gather together to worship, to pray, to study the Bible, to share our stories and lives with each other, to share the good news with others, and to meet the needs of our community and world.
We affirm all called to Christian leadership, both clergy and laity. We support both women and men in ordained professional ministry.
We acknowledge that within the Christian family, there are many controversial social issues. Because of New Life's commitment to soul liberty, we agree to disagree and yet remain unified in Christ.