History: New Life began as a Bible small group bible study in 1988, hired it's first pastor and covenanted as a church in 1991.
Beliefs: New Life is firmly committed to the core of Christian faith; that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who died on the cross for our sin, was buried, and rose again bodily from the dead.
Denomination: New Life was affiliated with the American Baptist denomination in 1994.
Values: New Life's values are reflected in the acronym "GROWING" as a reminder that our values are rooted in the belief that New Life is continually growing in the Lord.
Vision: New Life's vision is to be a church setting that is both generally multi-cultural and specifically Asian American because of our roots, pastor, location and outlook.
Worship: Sunday worship is the center and heart of our lives together as a faith community. In worship, we seek to honor God together and be strengthened and challenged by His powerhistory and grace.
Staff: New Life's pastor's and staff are Christian leader's that provide loving guidance, support and direction in the church's outwardly focused ministries.